Loving and Lasting
Dr. Karen Gless, Ph.D., RN, LMFT
It seems that when I write about relationships that I often get questions about sex. And then when I write about sex people want to know how they can keep their relationship long lasting and happy.” Well I hope this post has a little bit...
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What Does Your Love Life Say About Your Relationship?
Dr. Karen Gless, Ph.D., RN, LMFT
Sometimes the first indication that something is wrong in your relationship is that one or both of you no longer want sex and your love life is suffering. It is typically the woman, but I have worked with men who have responded this way too....
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How to Succeed in the new relationship?
Dr. Karen Gless, Ph.D., RN, LMFT
When my favorite aunt was in school learning to be a nurse, most of the women in her class expected to work a little while after finishing school, then get married, quit working and have children. By the time I went to nursing school, most...
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The Language of Presents
Dr. Karen Gless, Ph.D., RN, LMFT
Presents come with a message. They can say, I love you. I care about you. I want you to lose weight. You are special to me. I am very successful and impressive. Sometimes the message is extremely clear with old ads for presents. Amazingly Sexist...
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Stuck in a Loveless Relationship? How to Reignite Love
Dr. Karen Gless, Ph.D., RN, LMFT
What happens if you decide that being in love is not something that happens to you, but something that you do? Many couples who have been together for many years feel like they are stuck in a loveless relationship and they are just going through...
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Libido in Women: Where did My Sex Drive go?
Dr. Karen Gless, Ph.D., RN, LMFT
Question Dear Dr. Gless, I am currently on birth control pills and I’m wondering if this could be the reason for my low sex drive? I’ve been on them for about 2 years and my boyfriend has noticed a drop off in our sex life...
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How to Prevent Premature Ejaculation
Dr. Karen Gless, Ph.D., RN, LMFT
Question Hi Dr. Gless, I saw your website about solving premature ejaculation. I would like to ask if it really works for men like me. I tend to ejaculate within a few minutes of intercourse. My girlfriend is unusual in that she wants me to...
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He doesn’t want me!
Dr. Karen Gless, Ph.D., RN, LMFT
QUESTION: My boyfriend is 34 years old while I am only 24. He never seems interested in having sex while for me I like having sex most of the time. It bugs me so much that I become moody and frustrated. What should I do?...
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Does Marriage Counseling Work?
Dr. Karen Gless, Ph.D., RN, LMFT
Couples In Trouble Couples whose relationship is in trouble are scared and desperate for help, but they are also worried. Just the other day a couple came in to see me and said, “We’re really scared to start marriage counseling because we’ve heard that people...
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A Womans Orgasm
Dr. Karen Gless, Ph.D., RN, LMFT
Question Dear M. K., I appreciate your need for anonymity. Sex is an awkward and uncomfortable subject in our society. Thank you for your frankness. I hope my notes will assists you. Answer When the literature talks about a woman's orgasm it is usually referring...
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Stop Premature Ejaculation
Dr. Karen Gless, Ph.D., RN, LMFT
Question Dr. Gless –I have a premature ejaculation problem. I have been given a medication like Prozac for it in the past, however, I don’t want to take medications for this problem anymore. I climax once I penetrate very quickly. Do you think your system...
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Woman’s Health: Falling Out of Love with Husband
Dr. Karen Gless, Ph.D., RN, LMFT
Question Dear Dr. Gless, I’m a 35 year old mother from Michigan; I haven’t had good sexual desire for my husband since I had my children. We did have a fairly good sex life before I had my children. But now anytime he attempts to...
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Dr. Karen Gless, Ph.D.
Dr. Karen Gless, Ph.D., a therapeutic innovator and author, is a Marriage and Family Therapist and a registered nurse with over 20 years in a successful psychotherapy practice. In her career she is now emphasizing sharing the latest amazing discoveries about what works in relationships. Please also visit my other website: Sex Therapy Doctor