By Dr. Karen Gless

The secret to great sex is being completely present and focused on pleasure. With over 20 years experience as a sex therapist and relationship counselor Dr. Karen Gless has discovered how mindfulness can deepen sexual pleasure and help overcome blocks to a satisfying sex life. Emotional stress is the main enemy of sexual pleasure and love. Instead of being able to relax and enjoy themselves, too many people take their worries and fears to bed with them. The result is frustration and even feelings of guilt.

Over Three Hours Through Nine Full Audio Sessions

    • Working with Low Desire
    • Heightened Pleasure
    • Enhanced Desire
    • Unleashing Pleasure
    • And Much, Much More...

Desire/Orgams - Keep love alive with mindful sex.

Performance expectations create stress and are the biggest block to fully enjoying sex. Sexual arousal begins with relaxation, but focusing on performance makes it difficult or impossible to be in the present and fully enjoy the sexual love you are sharing with your partner. The main blocks to fully enjoying sex are:

  • Low desire
  • Difficulty achieving orgasm

When a couple is in love, powerful emotions sweep away all stress and worries so that when they are together they can focus completely on pleasurable feelings and each other. They enter a spontaneous state of mindfulness.


The Pure Pleasure System

I created the Pure Pleasure System so couples can experience the deepest pleasure and love during sex and overcome blocks to full enjoyment. There are three parts to the system:

  • Mindful Sex for Women
  • Mindful Sex for Men
  • The Ecstasy Series

The Mindful Sex for men and women sessions tune you into a deeper connection with your own pleasure through mindfulness. Then the Ecstasy Series guides you to connecting with your partner so that you are experiencing and sharing each other’s pleasure.

Mindful Sex for Women

For women who experience low desire, learning to be present with pleasurable feelings leads to a greater appreciation of their own sexuality and increases feelings of pleasure and the fulfillment that lovemaking gives them. Mindfulness eliminates worries and even feelings of discomfort or guilt over sex. As stressful emotions decrease, pleasure and the desire for pleasure increase.

Too many women feel pressure to have an amazing orgasm. Researchers have found that all women show physical signs of orgasm during sexual activity. For women who feel that they have never had an orgasm, the reaction may be so weak that they aren’t aware of it. By learning to be mindfully present a woman can connect with those feelings of release and increase them so that she can have satisfying orgasms. For all women, mindful sex increases the pleasure they get from lovemaking and the intensity of their orgasms.

The benefits of the Mindful Sex sessions also extend into your daily life. Mindfulness lowers your blood pressure and eliminates much of the damage caused by stress. “The best sex of your life” can also be a life-saver. Buy the Pure Pleasure System now and enjoy lifelong benefits.

Content - Mindful Sex for Women Series

Dr. Gless gives an introduction to mindful sex for women and then guides listeners through a training in mindful mediation. This is followed by six special sessions to help women overcome inhibitions and connect with their sexual energy so they can experience pleasure intensely.

Session 1: Pure Pleasure
This session enables you to eliminate negative beliefs and old, restrictive attitudes toward sex so you can connect with your capacity to deeply enjoy sex.

Session 2: Heightened Pleasure
As you open to your natural feelings, mindful awareness increases your capacity to experience all your sensual feelings.

Session 3: Enhanced Desire
You sweep away old restrictions so you can plant the seed of desire that can grow into the full flowering of your natural longing for sexual fulfillment.

Session 4: Power of Desire
You take a journey down to those deeper levels of the mind before conscious awareness where sexual desire begins to form and allow the wisdom of your body and deeper mind to take control.

Session 5: Unleashing Pleasure
In a dreamlike state you explore the natural evolution of your sexual energy and free yourself to experience how sexual feelings can, like a wave, rise and fall and then rise even higher.

Session 6: Intensifying Release
All women experience at least some of the sensations of an orgasm. By learning to focus on those sensations, the release of orgasm can be increased and give you full satisfaction.

J.D., CO

What people are saying

Dr. Gless, My wife and I have used your system with extraordinary results. Thank you so much. It has made us so much closer and happier.

C.B., FL

What people are saying

With your help I discovered that I was getting so distracted that I wasn't able to reach orgasm. With the help of your MP3s I can now focus on my own pleasure. I'm in love with my husband all over again.

C.B., FL

What people are saying

I wanted to thank you. I bought the MP3s and just love them. With your help I discovered that I was getting so distracted that I wasn't able to reach orgasm. With the help of your MP3s I can now focus on my own pleasure. I'm in love with my husband all over again.